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For the mobile professional 

Text messaging and mobile chat apps are fast becoming the top of choice among employees because: they are easy to use, instant and widespread - ensuring faster response than email.


Simplify and improve your client interactions through a secure and compliant channel.


“Being able to share timely, secure content is paramount to any client facing program; and now more than ever our clients expect a direct channel to stay in touch with their client manager, 24/7. Chat-Safe accomplishes this while increasing brand loyalty and trust.” CTO, U.S. Insurance agency.

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  • Enterprise grade messaging platform for IOS and android


  • Administrator tools provide full audit trail


  • reliable delivery information providing companies the additional benefit of knowing what messages have been delivered and, ultimately, read.


  • Increased Team Collaboration


  • Always on, instant and mobile - never miss an important chat from a customer. 


  • Secure Business only app captures and stores all chat communications


  • Compliant with industry regulations such as MIFID II. Dodd-Frank and GDPR 


  • Segregates work from personal communications automatically


  • Deploy Globally with one app / one compliance policy.

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Your own company BRANDED business profile

  • Cementing great brand relationships and customers is the holy grail for most businesses 


  • Your own company branded Chat-Safe solution enhances trust and loyalty.


  • Direct secure communication with your clients 


  • Make interactions with your clients even easier when they need you most 


  • Create groups for internal teams or projects to increase team collaboration


  • Decrease email inbox clutter

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